I recently had occassion to scan and send a designer a bunch o' covers from my library of dusty books, as a way of just giving reference to...well...some of the dusty book covers I like (nerd-to-nerd).
So, why not share a few favorites right here!
This is one of my all-time favorites, and you can't even see how good it is because, in person, the frame around the fairies is shining and gilded! I can't even say what I love most about this cover. The lettering is so pretty. But then, the colors are perfect, too.
The lettering! The musket! The bear!
I have a soft spot for early 20th century Boy Adventure Books, but usually I keep it to just admiring the shelves at Powell's. This one was an exception.
While we're on the bear ticket...I mean, I have a bit of a weakness.
The lettering on the center plate and the blue embossed scrolling on this one just knock me out (and the insides of this one are really good, too.)
This has a pretty typical Victorian primer look, but I love that sunflower border!
And the above isn't from my library, but I wish it was. I've had it saved in my inspiration folder for a few good years now, because it's so elegant and perfect.
These things make my heart flutter.
I only wish most newly-made books were so pretty!