After looking for just the perfect thing (and a few misfires) this dress is the one I found to wear to my opening for Lost On the Midway earlier this month. I can safely say it's one of the most beautiful dresses I've ever owned.
Cotton cardigan - via Modcloth with vintage knitted collar added
Striped 30's silk dress, golden heart locket & bag - vintage
Tights - Hue
Shoes - Remix
It is a gown from the 1930's made of rows and rows of scarlet satin ribbons sewn to a dark cream-colored underpinning. That lovely waist panel is silk-satin, too.
The colors alone were completely spellbinding -- the perfect (and unusual) warm, rich red with yellow-y cream. And all of the details are just so pretty - the ruching at the bust, especially. I knew it was the perfect opening dress for a carnival-themed show, so I nabbed it and altered it to suit me and make it wearable.
I was really sickly the actual night of the opening, and I was so sad that there weren't any good photos of the dress from that night. I wore it out last weekend on a date, and Josiah was sweet enough to take a few for me, so this dress would be documented at last!