I have a theory that we often find things (and people, for that matter) when we most need them. And then, like Mary Poppins, when you no longer need them, sometimes they must go away. On the other hand, sometimes you've found something you can treasure for the rest of your days (or as long as it is on the air, anyway). It is the latter with me and a certain radio show.
I found it at a time when I most needed it, when I had just moved back to Athens from Brooklyn and I was alone about 95% of the day. Well, alone except for the company of audiobooks, and of course:
And this is why we're traveling to New York, the opposite end of the country to see their live show on April 23rd. I am pretty much beside myself with excitement. A bunch of my favorite story-tellers are going to be there (Dan Savage and David Rackoff, I'm talking to you) and, of course, one of my most favorite secret-husbands:
I've just been flipping out since I snapped up the tickets a few weeks ago. I called multiple people just to tell them the news...because I couldn't contain myself. Oh! And even if you are not going to be at the live show, you can still see it, because it will be beamed across the country to tons of movie theaters (info here)!
I can't really think of very many other things I would go all the way to New York for. But there aren't that many things that have given me hundreds of hours of laughs and tears and pure, lovely, humanity the way that show has...
and just hours of company.
You can't put a price on good company, even if it is beamed through a tin can a thousand miles away.